Greetings from MHT!
We’re pleased to inform you that Mahila Housing Trust (MHT), on the occasion of its silver jubilee is organizing a Webinar Series, The City Makers: Responsible Urbanization through Women’s Participation. This webinar series is being organized with support from Dasra and SELCO foundation is an integral part of the 25 years of celebration of Mahila Housing Trust that we have launched last year, which includes the publication of a book ‘The City Makers’.
Under the series, six webinars are scheduled between January and March 2021. The THIRD Webinar, ‘THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY AND WOMEN WORKERS’ has been scheduled on February 11, 2021 from 6:00 to 7:30 PM (IST). Kindly visit this page for more details about the Webinar and information on the Moderator and Panelists.

The webinar of the MHT Webinar Series focusses on the following Key Question: What are the major factors leading to women workers lagging behind men and remaining in unskilled work in the industry even after years of hardship?
Examining the successes, issues and challenges in mainstreaming the women workers in the industry.
Understanding the obstacles that women face in construction industry to obtain skilled jobs.
Exploring the perspective of the Construction Industry on the matter.
Sharing the efforts taken by other organizations and the Government on enhancing the status of women and their work in the sector.