Exeter Homeless Partnership (EHP) https://www.exeterhomelesspartnership.org.uk/latest-news and CoLab Exeter https://www.colabexeter.org.uk/ have been working with the Groundswell cluster model to guide our cross sector working to mobilise response during these challenging times - more to come about that experience - but something we wanted to share was the Homelessness & COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool from Groundswell - a tool we are about to engage with (with all partner agencies) and excited to have a bit of self reflection - will keep you posted to see how it goes. If anyone else is interested in sharing responses - we would be keen to share learning - and of course Groundswell will be taking this learning further. https://groundswell.org.uk/covid19-selfassessmenttool/
Looking forward to hearing from others and sharing ideas